Personal identification info:
Personal information such as name and email address may be collected when interacting with our website, such as when a comment is made on a post. Personal information must be given by the user. Payment are processed by the marketplace (ie: Google Play), which keeps your payment info.
Non-personal info:
Non-personal info such as what browser is being used can be collected by our website. Analytics for the website and app are also collected (amount of downloads, views, etc.)
Our website uses cookies to improve the experience. Cookies are saved to the user’s computer and may store personal info. The browser can be set to not allow cookies on our website.
What your info is used for:
Your data is used for measuring the performance of the app. Personal info such as name and email are used on comments on our websites to provide a name for conversation (fake names are okay) and a way to contact commenters. Email is not posted on the site. None of your info will be sold or shared.
Changes to this privacy policy can be made at any time, a blog post on our website will announce the update.
Contact us:
Send an email to with any questions about this privacy policy.
Last updated: Feb 6, 2018